Saturday, July 13, 2013

Sitting at the Feet of Jesus

There are times in life that we reach a crossroad.  We can either do our own thing and go our own way or we can seek the presence of the the Savior.  I'm at one of those now. Next week my youngest is getting. married.  It will be a day that we rejoice over for we know that her marriage to Alan is a blessing  and a union planned by God.

However, it's been a tumultuous time. Four months away in Israel while Gary was on sabbatical have made me feel out of touch and
unprepared. Then, facing Kate's need for gall bladder surgery a few short weeks before her wedding day, along with all the busyness of the wedding with it's endless activities and preparations, arriving family and the mountains of work as a result everything that is happening, have at times brought me to the end of myself.  I have a choice to make. I can continue to strive or place myself in the only place that makes sense, at His feet. That doesn't mean that I won't do my best to be really to make this a special time for my family.  But it does mean that I will live this time looking to Him.

What a blessing that we don't live this life on our own!  For those of us who know the Savior, His spirit is there to guide and fill us with peace and strength, if we let Him. That must be what I do as I enter this week. Only by living this way will I be what my Savior wants me to be and what my family needs me to be. So I take my place, gladly, at His feet, trusting Him and knowing that He will supply.

Be Still and know that I am God.......Psalm 46:10a


  1. So wonderful Mom! Praying we all have this attitude throughout the week and after :-)

  2. Amen Carolyn and Shannon. I will be praying that this will be reality for you Carolyn during this wonderfully special, precious, never to be repeated week. Love you my friend!
