Friday, February 27, 2015

Waiting for the Unexpected

Life is full of the unexpected, sometimes more than others. If I were to write a book about the last 18 months, I would title it Unexpected Surprises. For a small town girl from Boonsboro, Maryland, life has been full of travel, adventures and opportunities to do things and serve in ways that I never expected. 

Who knew that marrying a guy who wanted to be a university professor would take me to the four corners of the earth? (I thought that professors sat in their ivory towers and wrote lectures.) Who knew that I would spend part of my life having a blast singing and even doing some acting (Oh how I love comedy!)? And who know that my home would become hotel at times and a shelter for those in need at other times.  And, in between all that I've been able to experience motherhood, grandmotherhood, being a mentor, Bible teacher, cook homemaker and on and on and on.

What's next? In less than two weeks we leave for Berlin. What a joy it will be to visit our daughter, son-in-law and three of our sweet grands! (Until then I'm just trying to hold on through 12 of the busiest days I've ever had.) Gary will attend a conference there, spend a day with family and then fly home. I will stay on. I'm looking forward to extended family time and seeing German friends who are becoming my friends too. We'll even take a day trip to Poland.

Beautiful Haifa , In Our Hearts!
Then the adventure begins. I'm off to Israel by myself! While visiting on Skype with a friend there a number of months ago she repeatedly requested that I come for a visit to Haifa. She said that I could be an encouragement to friends who have had a very trying year, suffering through many unexpected trials. The call seemed clear so I booked flights, rented a car and then with more than a bit of trepidation asked, "Did I really just agree to go to Haifa by myself?"  It's a bit of an unknown. How can I help? Gary and I both felt that God had called. Gary's comment was, "I think that you've just had a call to Macedonia." I've let a
Driving in Israel takes
a bit of Chutzpah!
few friends know that I'm coming, but don't know what the week will look like. I know that I'll see Olga and stay with her parents (who I don't know) in their flat. I"m looking forward to seeing Margi and catching up with her. I'll go to church at our beloved Bethesda Assembly. But other than that I don't know how to be a help. Trust!

Will I serve? I'd love to! Or will the Lord sit me by the Mediterranean or the Galilee to hear His voice. I'm glad the call was clear. Now I must trust that He has a plan and will show it to me. Another adventure, I think so!

Always In the Hand of God

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