Saturday, March 23, 2013

A Bitter-Sweet Break

The last time we lived in Israel we were there for four months without a break.  It was a time totally centered on being in Israel and learning and doing as much as we could in that time.  This time came with an intermission.  For the last ten days I have been home again in Champaign with helping to  plan a wedding as my main goal.  Katie will marry Alan Balch on July 20, 16 days after we return from our  time in Haifa; so she and I hit the ground running and have enjoyed the time as we have nailed  down most of the plans for the event, both large and small.  I was able to attend a small shower for Kate, see a few friends and even attend the celebration of the life of a wonderful elderly saint who attended the chapel with us and is now with the Lord.  Tomorrow morning I will be heading back to our flat in Haifa and my dear husband.

However this week also had it's bitter-sweet moments.  For the last 12 years or so it has been Laura and Josh's goal to move to Germany and serve as church planters there.  And, for a number of years the Lord has been preparing them for this both physically and spiritually.  This week it all comes to fruition - the funds have been raised, their bags packed, their apartment emptied and many good byes have been said as they prepare to move to East Berlin. Last Sunday Stratford held a farewell luncheon and prayer time to send them on their way and tomorrow Christ Church in Normal, IL will do the same.  Thursday evening was my turn.  I went to Normal to spend a little time with my three dear grandchildren (and their parents too of course.)  The time included dinner out, a school musical program and ice cream at Carl's.  But then it was time to say goodbye.  I didn't say what I wanted to say and found myself sobbing as I held them and told them that I would be praying for them every day.  God's will is always right but it's not always easy and I clung to that as I cried my way home.  But I will pray for them every day and thank God for such modern miracles as Skype and air travel.  And I will know that they are were God wants them doing what He has planned for them.  

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