Thursday, March 21, 2013

Sometimes It Takes a While to Get Started

It has been almost a month since Gary and I set out for our second experience of  living in the Holy Land.  This time has been much different than the the beginning of our first visit.  Gary is once again working at the Technion (Israel Institute of Technology) in Haifa, Israel. However, we arrived knowing a little bit more about where we were going.  We had rented a lovely flat on the side of Mt. Carmel overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, had a car waiting for our mountain of luggage at the airport and were already looking forward to reconnecting with friends from five years ago, visiting our favorite places and settling in for a much needed change of pace.    

I have been surprised though at how big my learning curve has been.  The streets and roads of Haifa are a maze ever in flux due to construction and I found myself struggling to remember the routes to many places.  In addition, the drivers have become even more frantic so that driving is an act of faith at times. ( I'm planning on writing a blog entitled "25 New Ways to Swerve - Driving in Israel" at some point.)  Another overwhelming place at first is the grocery store.  Groceries are very expensive, making eating out almost more cost effective at times. Plus, imagine going into a store where almost everything is labeled in, not just another language, but another alphabet.  Figuring out what you are buying can quite challenging at times.  (What is in that dairy looking container anyway! It may not be what you think!)  I have been studying Hebrew this past year, but have a very long way to go!

My sister arrived almost immediately after we did, so we hit the ground running.  We had a wonderful visit and enjoyed seeing some of the lovely and fascinating sites of the Holy Land. (More to come on those later), but it did mean that she had to endure some of my stress as I readjusted to living in such a different place again.  Ann left on March 14, and I flew back to the states on that day too.  Right now I'm in Champaign helping Kate plan her July 20th wedding and saying goodbye to Laura, Josh and the kids before they move to Berlin. Then it's back to Haifa on Sunday.  

This blog is strictly catch up and getting started. Coming up, expect much slower and more thoughtful entries. Our flat has a lovely rooftop deck that looks down over the sea and I am anticipating spending a lot of time in reflection there.  The last month has been a whirlwind and I'm looking forward to settling when I return.  There is so much to reflect on in walking in the places where Jesus walked and in God's land.  I hope to give you little doses of a very interesting place.  God is definitely at work in the land and people of  Israel and it's my desire to share of small part of what I see with you.  Until then, Shalom! Carolyn 

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