Friday, April 19, 2013

Saturday (No Friday!) Adventures

Five years ago when Gary and I first lived in Israel we began the tradition of weekend adventures.  Every Friday we would look at each other and say "Where shall we adventure to today?"  Over here the weekend is Friday and Saturday; and Sunday is a normal work day, which takes some getting used to at first. Our first such adventure was to the Ancient Boat Museum by the Galilee and after that we were hooked. We used our Fridays to see places like Caesarea, Capernaum, Mt. Herman and on and on.  What a wonderful opportunity we had!

Looking at the Golan from the West Side of the Galilee

This time the tradition continues, so this morning Gary and I got up and decided to go to the Golan.  The Golan covers a lot of territory in Israel and most people think of it as "that scary area that boarders on Syria where people trade shots at each other on a regular basis".  Nothing could be further from the truth!  Yes it does boarder on Syria but shots rarely are fired there any more and most of the Golan is a beautiful agricultural region that boarders on the east side of the Sea of Galilee.  It contains some beautiful mountainous areas as well as resorts, orchards, agricultural fields, many vineyards and a world famous winery know for it's award winning wines.  It is truly a case of an enterprising people turning a wilderness into a productive and beautiful region. We enjoyed every minute of a leisurely day and, no, there were no shots fired.

A Field of Covered Banana Palms
A Pomegranate Tree Just Loaded With Little Fruit

My Shabbat Flowers Bought by the Side of the Road