Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Sometimes Things Don't Go Your Way !

Today I was writing a new blog and I was not satisfied with it.  After a little while I decided to delete the blog and start over.  Unfortunately, I was writing from a hotel in Old City Jerusalem with a very sporadic internet connection, meaning that when I had saved the blog earlier in the day it looked like it had not been saved.  Then, when I went to delete it, I found that it had indeed been saved numerous times.  Sooooooo, I hit delete not knowing that several of my past posts were on that page too.  Poof!!!!!!  Some of my favorite posts were gone and, try as I might, they are really gone.  Everything after April 19 has vanished into thin air, including "Driving in Israel" and "Stopping to Ponder".

If anyone has saved either of those and has a copy, please send it to me.  Otherwise, I have learned two valuable lessons:  (1) be careful when using the internet in an Old City Jerusalem Hotel with thick walls and inconsistent internet and (2) I'll get over it. Shalom!

I leave you with some photos of the beautiful Gloria Hotel, just inside the Jaffa Gate, in Jerusalem.

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