Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Exploring the Galilee - Part II

Seeing the crowds, he went up
on the mountain and when he
sat down his disciples came to him 
and he opened his mouth and taught
saying blessed are.............. and when
Jesus finished these sayings, the crowds
were astonished at his teaching for he
was teaching them as one who had 
Matthew 5:1 and 7:28,29a

In keeping with my plan to spend some of my down time remaining here in Israel in "stopping to ponder" as one of my previous blogs said, I have a plan, and it involves a day trip to the Sea of Galilee. Sitting on the western side of the Gaililee or Kinneret is a lovely church and monastary. The Church of the Beatitudes sits on a hill above the sea on the site where tradition says that Jesus delivered The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7).   The church itself is not that old as it was built by the Franciscans in the 1930s on the site of an earlier Byzantine church.  However, it is a beautiful spot high above the Lake with lovely gardens and and a peaceful atmosphere.  I plan to spend a good part of a day there sitting with my Bible, journal and perhaps another book or two.  I will read and pray but I also want to just listen.  Here are some of the reasons that I've chosen this spot.

 Come to me all who labor
are heavy laden and I will
give you rest. Take my yoke
upon you and learn from me,
for I am gentle  and lowly
in heart and you will find
rest for your souls. For my
yoke is easy and my burden
is light.
Matthew 11:28-30


I think that you can see why this is my choice of place without too many more words from me.  There are plenty of gardens, walks and benches in this lovely spot - definitely a place to "stop and ponder".


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