Tuesday, June 18, 2013

There's More to Switzerland Than I Thought!

In my last Galilee post I wrote about the Road to Switzerland, a treat brought to us by our somewhat inconsistent but well-meaning GPS unit "Naggy Maggie".  Last Friday we took our niece Meg to several areas in the Galilee and decided to drive home by way of the Road to Switzerland.  When you reach what appears to be almost the top the mountain there is a fork in the road.  The left turn (which we have always taken) heads out toward the town of Afula and across the Jezreel Valley and then home to Haifa. The right fork actually goes to Switzerland. We have never taken that road assuming that was a dead end, someone's home or a small town.  Anyway, we thought that we had seen all that there was to see.  Little did we know!

I wait for the lord, my soul waits, and in His word I hope; my soul waits for the Lord. 

              Psalm 130:5                                               

On Friday we decided to take the right fork and found that we had seen only a small part of the beauty that lay above the sea of Galilee.  We found the Switzerland National Forest! (Clearly we had missed the cues on the sign!)  The road wound for miles, got much narrower and climbed to new heights. We passed a flock of sheep and goats being shepherded down the mountain by their Arab shepherd, a herd of long horned cattle and cliffs with an amazing view of the Sea of Galilee and then the city of Tibereas.  There were hiking trails, picnic areas and very few people.  It was an awe inspiring trip!

There's a spiritual application to our experience on the Road to Switzerland.  Sometimes we think that we have seen all that there is to see in our journey with our Lord.  We take the usual road (often a satisfactory one) and then turn out into the valley of everyday life.  But............. if we wait, take a different turn, there is so much more.  He meets us in new ways and they are more wonderful thank you can imagine.  Have you taken any new turns with the Lord lately,spent some extra time?  It takes a little extra effort and sometimes some patience, but you never know what you might find.

Our Shepherd is a friendly one
always anxious to meet us.